miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

EJERCICIO 3=neither, either , both

1. I don't like Italian so I don’t really want to go to ________EITHER____________restaurant.
2. I love _____________BOTH_________________of my sisters equally!
3. ___________________NEITHER________________me nor my brother like mushrooms.
4. I can't choose, so please can I have ________BOTH____________of them?
5. Please will ______________NEITHER__________________you or Philippa buy some milk later?
6. Do _______________NEITHER__________________of you have a black dress I can borrow?
7. _______________EITHER______________of them want to come with me so I suppose I will have to go by myself.
8. I'm so lucky! I went to ____________EITHER_________________Spain and Tenerife this year!
9. I don't think England or South Africa will win the world cup this year, _________NEITHER_________of them.
10. I can't decide what to have for dinner. I think____________EITHER_____________fish and chips or roast chicken.

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